Board Meetings

HPUD Board meetings are open to the public and held at the main office of Hallsdale Powell Utility District located at 3745 Cunningham Road, Knoxville, Tennessee 37918. Except as noted, board meetings are typically held on the second Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m.

Agendas will be posted online for each meeting prior to the schedule board meeting.

Executed minutes will be available after the meeting in which they are approved by the Board.

Board Meeting Schedule

May 2024June 2024July 2024
MonthDay of WeekDateTime
JanuaryMondayJanuary 8, 20241:30pm
FebruaryMondayFebruary 12, 20241:30pm
MarchMondayMarch 18, 20241:30pm
AprilMondayApril 8, 20241:30pm
MayMondayMay 13, 20241:30pm
JuneMondayJune 10, 20246:00pm
JulyMondayJuly 8, 20241:30pm
AugustMondayAugust 12, 20241:30pm
SeptemberMondaySeptember 16, 20241:30pm
OctoberMondayOctober 14, 20241:30pm
NovemberMondayNovember 11, 20241:30pm
DecemberMondayDecember 9, 20241:30pm