Distribution System

Hallsdale-Powell Utility District’s water service area is located in the semi mountainous area of Tennessee and is supplied by Melton Hill Lake and Norris Lake. The District runs from North Knox County into Union County and extends into portions of Anderson County. The distribution system is comprised of two treatment plants, 19 booster stations, and approximately 689 miles of water main. The system covers a service area of approximately 146 square miles and serves an average of 32,442 metered customers.

Like many other water systems in semi mountainous areas, the Hallsdale-Powell system presents challenges in design and operation. Numerous ridges and valleys split the system. There is an 800-foot difference between the high and low elevations in the service area, representing 346 pounds-per-square inch (psi) difference in water pressure. As a result, distribution operators are challenged maintaining appropriate levels of pressure in 10 distinctly separated regions throughout the service area.

  • 32,442 Residential & Commercial Meters
  • Service Area is approximately 146 sq. miles
  • 2 Treatment Plants
  • Design Capacity 16MGD (million gallons per day)
  • 19 Booster Pump Stations
  • 14 Storage Reservoirs
  • 689 miles of water mains
HPUD Water Service Area

Melton Hill Water Treatment Plant

The Melton Hill WTP was built in the 1960s and has also been improved and expanded to meet the capacity of the growing communities the District serves.

The plant utilizes membrane technology and can produce 12 MGD (million gallons per day) of drinking water.

Norris Water Treatment Plant

The Norris WTP was built in 2007 to deliver an alternate water supply to the service area and to increase water pressure for customers in higher elevations. The plant also provides more treatment and storage capacity for HPUD and the efficient use of modernday technology, which benefits both the consumers and the employees overseeing the system.

The plant utilizes membrane technology and was designed for an initial capacity of 4 MGD (million gallons per day) with provisions for easy expansion up to 8 MGD.